Sunday, June 22, 2008

[b l a c k . d e l i c a c y]

I recently went to the Philadelphia Museum of Art and I was astounded by one of Carlos Amorales' art consisting of paper moths and glue. Though "Black Cloud" is very eerie and dark, I still love how he positioned the moths so that they seemed very realistic for instance on corners and edges of walls, just everywhere a moth would attach itself. I was extremely inspired by the installation and was estatic to maybe do a similar technique in my own bedroom. I branched out of the black moth theme and decided I could do many similar pieces like a tree with great grasping branches, for instance. The simplicity of the piece yet the complex idea and thought makes my mind ignite with great ideas. See for yourself! :)

If you have time, you should definitely go see it. Its quite stunning and just a must see!

1 comment:

St. Clare said...

this looks like a gorgeus exhibit. wish i lived in philadelphia to see it. greetings from a new blogger in the netherlands.